Articles written by Zeeshan

What Zeeshan and Karina Hayat Learned About Effective Selling?


The sales world is often filled with familiar phrases like “close every deal” or “never take no for an answer.” While these notions may be widespread, they do not guarantee sustainable success. Rigid, one-size-fits-all sales processes can be limiting, often hindering the potential for true growth. Instead, successful salespeople thrive on autonomy and adaptability. The key to long-term success lies in integrity, understanding the target market, and knowing when to pivot from the conventional approach.

Let’s talk about five unconventional sales strategies that actually work—and might just change the way you think about selling.

1. The Customer Isn’t Always Right—But They Deserve Your Honesty

Agreeing with a client solely to secure a sale may not be beneficial in the long run. Clients value sincerity, and it is important to build trust by being transparent, even if it means saying, “No, this product might not solve your problem.”

Sometimes, the best thing you can do is guide your client away from what they think they want and toward what will actually benefit them. The right solution isn’t always the one that’s right in front of you, and it’s our job to provide clarity, even when it’s uncomfortable. After all, you’re the expert, and clients rely on you for that guidance. They’ll appreciate you for it later.

2. “Practice Makes Perfect”? Not Exactly

This idea that practice leads to perfection is outdated. Let me tell you something: perfection doesn’t exist. What does exist is progress. The best salespeople I know are the ones who never stop learning.

Sales isn’t static. Markets shift, client needs evolve, and the technology we sell today is different from what it was six months ago. So why should you ever stop honing your craft? Whether you’ve been selling for 20 months or 20 years, there’s always more to know. Stay curious and keep that hunger alive—your growth depends on it.

3. Admit When You Don’t Know Something

There is considerable strength in admitting, “I don’t know, but I’ll find out.” Early in one’s career, there may be a belief that having all the answers immediately is necessary to maintain credibility. However, acknowledging uncertainty often has the opposite effect. Clients appreciate transparency, and promptly following up after saying, “Let me get back to you on that,” reinforces trust. It demonstrates thoroughness and care rather than a hasty attempt to close a sale. In the end, honesty becomes a key factor in fostering long-term relationships.

4. Your Quotas Are Just the Beginning

If you’re only hitting your targets, you’re not pushing hard enough. Don’t just settle for “good enough” because you’ve met your quota. Take a step back and ask yourself: is there more potential? Could you raise your own bar?

Sales is a dynamic field, and optimising your KPIs should be a constant pursuit. The more you refine your goals, the more opportunities you’ll uncover. Don’t limit yourself to what’s expected. Stretch for what’s possible.

5. Ask the Simple Questions—and Let Your Ego Go

It can be tempting to position yourself as the all-knowing expert who already understands everything about a client’s business. But sometimes, the most profound insights come from asking the simplest questions—the ones you’re too afraid will make you look “uninformed.”

Set your ego aside and ask your clients the basics. This opens the door to deeper conversations and uncovers things you might have overlooked. Authenticity is key here, and it’s the foundation for truly understanding your clients’ pain points.

What unconventional sales strategy has helped you the most in your career

About The Hayats
Zeeshan and Karina Hayat are an inspiring entrepreneurial pair recognized for their integration of business expertise, philanthropy, and social responsibility. With over 20 years of diverse industry experience, Zeeshan and Karina Hayat have co-founded and led various initiatives aimed at driving digital innovation and transformation. As mentors, they guide emerging entrepreneurs in making informed career decisions. In addition to their professional endeavors, Zeeshan and Karina Hayat are dedicated to community service, actively supporting initiatives like the 100 Meals a Week program in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside (DTES), Canada, and Florida.At the end of the day, great salespeople and entrepreneurs have a lot in common: we know that success is rarely linear, and resilience is our greatest asset. Build your relationships on trust, keep learning, and never be afraid to break from convention.

Stay curious, stay authentic—and watch how far it takes you.

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